Reading room with access to digital libraries and licensed resources. There is an encyclopaedic and reference library, as well as research, reference, and interlibrary loan services.
The Reference Center is open to all registered users with a valid NLCR library card and to users with a one-day pass.
The reference library comprises 5,000 volumes of encyclopaedias, bibliographies, language and technical dictionaries, biographical literature, Pragensia (Prague-related materials), and other reference literature.
Users with a valid library card can access the Internet and licensed resources subscribed to by the NLCR. The National Digital Library can be used, including access to digital libraries of Out-of-Market Works (DNNT) from participating libraries.
All computers can be reserved through a user account. Registered users with a valid library card can reserve a computer for 2 hours per day for access to digital libraries and 1 hour per day for working with licensed resources and the Internet through their user account in the online catalogue of the NLCR. Computers with internet access can be used for 15 minutes without a reservation. For selected computers, priority will be given to users who are interested in working with licensed resources.
Unique resources are available in the Reading room:
- World Biographical Archives - a worldwide collection of biographical data on microfiche with an index in electronic and printed form
- Retrospective article bibliography 1945-1952 (card catalogue) - by prior arrangement with the RC staff
- Articles in Czech journals 1953-1990 (printed bibliography, index overview)
- List of reference sources on the Internet
The following services are provided in the Reading room:
- Reference Services
- Research Services
- Interlibrary Loan Services for Libraries, Interlibrary Loan Services for users
- Ask the Library
- reprographic services from the RC reference library (self-service)
- reprographic services from NLCR collection for remote users (on request)
- electronic delivery of documents - EDD ZISKEJ
- eBooks on Demand (EOD) - digitization on demand
- training
- wireless Internet connection (Wi-Fi)
- operation of Chill Out Zone, Individual Study Zone and Team Study Rooms