Loans and copies of documents from Czech libraries to foreign libraries and from the NLCR collections to Czech libraries.

For foreign libraries

In the Czech Republic, six centres can be contacted to request a loan or a copy of an article or part of a document. Each centre has its own price list and conditions. If they cannot satisfy the order from their own resources, they can arrange to get the document from other Czech libraries.

NL CR Collection profile:

The NL CR is the largest and one of the oldest public libraries in the country. It collects, preserves and provides access to Bohemica published here and elsewhere in the world. It has rich collections of foreign language publications, primarily in the humanities and social and natural sciences.

Services for libraries abroad:

  • loans and copies of items in the NLCR collection
  • help with interlibrary requests directed to other Czech libraries

The NL CR accepts orders from foreign libraries via:

It charges for this service primarily in the form of IFLA vouchers, invoice, but prefers reciprocity. Negative responses are sent electronically without undue delay; documents and hard copies are sent by post.


  • per loan.......1 IFLA Voucher
  • per copy up to 15 pages.......1 IFLA Voucher
  • per copy over 15 pages......1.5 IFLA Voucher
  • charges or absence thereof can be are reciprocal

Borrowed items from NL CR collestions may be read only in person at the requesting library only. Extensions can be requested before the end of the loan period. Documents must be returned on time via registered mail and properly wrapped.

For Czech libraries

The NLCR provides interlibrary loan services to other Czech libraries, both from its own collections and from abroad.

Interlibrary loan services from the collection of the NLCR


Interlibrary loan services from abroad

For documents that are not available in Czech libraries.

The availability of documents in other Czech libraries can be verified in:

  1. the Universal Collections Catalogue of the Czech Republic (SKC and SKCP databases)
  2. The portal
  3. other sources (link to IPK)

The order must contain a request for only one work (article, paper from the proceedings). International interlibrary loan services are charged according to the price list.

Orders are accepted via the user account in the NKC database (in the upper right corner under the “MVS” tab).

A document borrowed from abroad can be viewed only in person in the reading room of the requesting institution. An extension must be requested before the loan period expires (unless the supplying library specifies a shorter period).

Copies obtained from abroad are generally supplied in hard copy and in black and white.

Orders are usually processed within two to four weeks, and copies of articles, often within a few days. If the book/article is not found within three months, the user is informed of this fact, and if interested, the document can be ordered again.