Online literature database offers biographical data and reviews.

The most comprehensive online database dedicated to literature provides biographical data, reviews, and other additional information.

In Gale Literary Sources, it is possible to find:

  •  biographical information on more than 165,000 authors,
  • more than 1.1 million articles, critical essays, and full-text reviews from more than 450 scholarly journals and literary magazines,
  • more than 11,000 surveys of works on frequently studied topics,
  • more than 30,000 full-text poems, short stories, and plays,
  • more than 10,000 interviews,
  • more than 11,200 links to key websites and 4,000 pictorial portraits,
  • Merriam-Webster's Encyclopaedia of Literature dictionary explaining terms and concepts in literature.

It also includes the Modern Language Association International Bibliography database, with more than 2,000,000 entries in linguistics and literature since 1921. Access to the Scribner Writers Series and Twayne's Authors Series is also available.

Access within CzechElib - National Licensing Centre for Electronic Information Resources.

Database producer: GALE, A Cengage Company