Acquisition and cataloguing of periodical publications published in the Czech Republic, which are acquired by the NLCR by legal deposit, donation, exchange, or purchase. Provides access to selected foreign journals and newspapers or electronic information sources.

Responsible for the acquisition of printed periodicals published in the Czech Republic, obtained by legal deposit, donation, or exchange, and also purchases of selected foreign journals and newspapers. For periodicals acquired under legal deposit legislation, it compiles official aggregate statistics of the Czech Republic's publishing production. Processes acquired titles in terms of name and subject description in accordance with valid international (national) standards. Provides methodological activities for other institutions.

The Periodicals Department cooperates with the Recently Acquired Foreign Literature Department (ODF) to provide domestic and foreign periodicals for the relevant funds and departments. It retroactively completes missing titles, especially of bohemical periodicals, and retroactively catalogues documents from historical collections.

It participates in the Book Covers project, provides licensed electronic information resources that are acquired by purchase or within the consortium of the CzechElib National Centre, and is responsible for the VISK 8/A Information Resources sub-programme. Its agenda includes consultations in the field of legal deposit copies of periodical publications for libraries and publishers, access to selected electronic information resources, self-service copying, reprographic and other copying services.

In the Periodicals Reading Room, users can access contemporary Czech and foreign periodical literature from the last five years (free selection and a collection of unbound periodicals); older newspapers and magazines can be read and printed using microfilm readers.