Online Catalogue of the Slavonic Library (SLK database) - a catalogue of books, periodicals, offprints, and maps stored in the Slavonic Library; also contains records for selected licensed electronic books and journals.
The Online Catalogue of the Slavonic Library (SLK database) is the basic information source about the library's collection, containing cataloguing records almost in their entirety. Some multi-volume publications and editions are not covered in full. There are no records of historical manuscripts. Subject headings have catalogue records of documents included in the collection after 1997; for previously acquired ones, subject headings are added retrospectively. Catalogue records contain cover and content previews and links to digitised versions of documents; books published in Cyrillic alphabets have basic cataloguing data in Cyrillic.
The cataloguing data are also part of the Czech Union Catalogue. The catalogue also includes records of selected electronic journals and books in licensed databases.
A registered user of the Slavonic Library can use the automated lending system (online lending and reservation requests via the internet) and has access to their reader account, through which they can check the status of their borrowings and orders. Non-registered users can use “pre-registration,” which allows them to submit a lending request via the internet and only then go to the library.