National Library’s databases made available as open data (as files for download, via OAI-PMH or Z39.50).
Statement of the National Library of the Czech Republic about publishing the following databases under CC0:
- Online Catalogue of the Slavonic Library, Czech Explanatory Terminology Database of Library and Information Science, Database of Abbreviations in Librarianship and Information Fields, Database of Czech Librarians and other databases (August 29th, 2023, PDF, 1.27 MB, in Czech only)
- Online Catalogue of the National Library of the Czech Republic, Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic, Articles from Czech Newspapers, Periodicals and Proceedings, and Directory of Publishers in the Czech Republic (January 9th, 2023, PDF, 1.17 MB, in Czech only)
- Czech National Bibliography, National Authority File and Directory of Libraries & Information Centers in the Czech Republic (April 1st, 2022, PDF, 329 KB, in Czech only)
The National Library of the Czech Republic currently provides the following resources as open data:
data set |
format |
for download |
via OAI-PMH *) |
via Z39.50 |
Czech National Bibliography
MARC21 |
Z39.50 server | |
Dublin Core |
Z39.50 server | ||
National Authority File
MARC21 |
All records
Z39.50 server | |
Personal Name Authorities
MARC21 | aut_ja.xml.gz (approx. 1.9 GB) |
Corporate Name Authorities
MARC21 | aut_ka.xml.gz (approx. 330 MB) |
Topical Authorities
MARC21 | aut_ph.xml.gz (approx. 100 MB) |
Geographic Authorities
MARC21 | aut_ge.xml.gz (approx. 90 MB) |
Chronological Authorities
MARC21 |
(approx. 700 kB) |
Genre/Form Authorities
MARC21 | aut_fd.xml.gz (approx. 3.7 MB) |
MARC21 | aut_sk.xml.gz (approx. 1.1 MB) |
Uniform Titles
MARC21 | aut_un.xml.gz (approx. 70 MB) |
Directory of Libraries & Information Centers in the Czech Republic
MARC21 |
(approx. 27 MB) Description of database structure (in Czech only) |
Directory of Publishers in the Czech Republic
MARC21 |
(approx. 23.7 MB)
Description of database structure (in Czech only) |
Online Catalogue of the National Library of the Czech Republic
MARC21 |
nkc.xml.gz |
Z39.50 server | |
Dublin Core | Z39.50 server | |||
Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic
MARC21 | skc.xml.gz (approx. 27.2 GB) |
Z39.50 server | |
Dublin Core | Z39.50 server | |||
Articles from Czech Newspapers, Periodicals and Proceedings
MARC21 |
anl.xml.gz |
Z39.50 server | |
Dublin Core | Z39.50 server | |||
Online Catalogue of the Slavonic Library
MARC21 |
(approx. 1.9 GB) |
the complete set SLK | Z39.50 server |
Dublin Core | Z39.50 server | |||
Czech Explanatory Terminology Database of Library and Information Science
MARC21 | (approx. 9.5 MB) data from June 21st, 2024 Description of database structure (in Czech only) |
Database of Abbreviations in Librarianship and Information Fields
MARC21 | (approx. 12.4 MB) data from June 21st, 2024
Database of Czech Librarians
MARC21 | (approx. 19.6 MB) data from June 21st, 2024 Description of database structure (in Czech only)
*) Aleph's OAI-PMH implementation follows the specifications available from with a single exception – individual records cannot be retrieved using the "GetRecord" function.
The XML files are not intended for direct reading by humans but for further machine processing. Their size is considerable; therefore, we do not recommend trying to open them directly in the web browser (and also avoid trying to open them on mobile phones and similar devices). Instead, first you should save them to your disk (usually using your right mouse button and selecting "Save Link As" or a similar option). Then you can decompress the downloaded files and save them with an XML extension. The file sizes mentioned above are those reflecting the decompressed files.
Unless otherwise specified, files for download are generated from current data once a week (each Monday).
Although the datasets are available under a CC0 license, you can consider mentioning the National Library of the Czech Republic as a source of data for your project.
Information on our datasets (including clarification on whether they contain personal data) can also be found on the Czech National Open Data Portal and on the portal.
If you wish to learn more about our activities related to opening data, feel free to have a look at a list of publications and presentations on this topic and an overview of our collaboration with Wikidata.
Please also consider sharing with us – via a webform – how you have used the data and provide your feedback.
Contact Person:
Mgr. Lenka Maixnerová
Deputy Director for Library Collections and Services
+420 770 197 300