Specialised research library for Slavic studies. It acquires, catalogues, manages, preserves, and makes accessible the collection of the Slavic studies literature, especially in history, philology, and political science, as well as original literary works by Slavic authors.


The Slavonic Library is a research library for Slavic studies. It is proud to be one of the most important Slavistic libraries in Europe. Since its foundation in 1924 the Slavonic Library has been systematically acquiring, cataloguing, preserving and making accessible the collection of the Slavic studies literature, especially in history, philology, and political science, as well as original literary works by Slavic authors. In its stacks the Slavonic Library preserves more than 900,000 volumes of library documents, maps, posters, visual and art materials, and special collections. The collection includes also electronic databases of Slavic studies content.

The library provides information services on the political, historical, economic and cultural life of the Slavic peoples, their relations with each other and with other nations in the past and present. Researchers use a reading room equipped with an extensive reference library and 20,000 volumes in open access mode and free Internet access.

It engages in professional bibliographic and publishing activities in its field, it organizes cultural events, professional seminars, conferences and exhibitions. For the International Committee of Slavists, the library acts as a centre for the registration and processing of materials relating to International congresses Slavists.

The Slavonic Library is a division of the National Library of the Czech Republic; however, in library and research policy it maintains an autonomous position as it does in Acquisition and Processing Services. The library consists of departments of acquisitions, bibliography and cataloguing and public services.

The Slavonic Library provides services in its lending room and online according to the principles of the Library Rules of the National Library of the Czech Republic. Some selected services are provided by the Slavoniv Library in a modified mode with regard to its specialisation (see The Registration and Borrowing Rules of the Slavonic Library and Slavonic Library Reading Room Regulations). The basic services are provided free of charge, while the registration of users, reprographic services and some other services are charged according to the Price List

The Slavonic Library provides library services in a separate Lending and Reading Room

  1. Acquisitions
  2. Bibliography and Cataloguing
  3. Public Services