The service is intended only for users interested in remote access to selected NL CR resources and services (licensed electronic resources, NDL).
Remote access registration is intended for users (natural persons from 15 years of age) who have not yet registered in the NL CR (see Conditions for remote registration). In this case, no library card is issued.
Remote access registration can be done in one of the following ways:
- via bank identity
- via data mailbox
- via an officially verified signature (Czech POINT etc.)
- via an electronic signature (qualified, guaranteed)
After successful completion of the remote access registration, the following services of the NL CR can be used:
- remote access to licensed databases
- remote access to out-of-commerce works within the National Digital Library or other digital libraries that also offer out-of-commerce works
- ordering from the NL CR online catalogue and ordering interlibrary services (up to 5 requests)
In both cases, you must apply for a library card in the Main Hall before accessing the ordered document. Remote access users must also pay any fees associated with the ordered interlibrary loan services.
Remote access registered users cannot use:
- on-site and off-site borrowing services and interlibrary loan services
These NL CR services are provided only to registered users with a valid library card. A remote access registered user can obtain a library card when visiting the Main Hall in person. A processing fee is charged according to the current Price List and the validity and conditions of on-site registration are modified according to the validity of remote registration and the documents submitted.
More information on the processing of personal data.