A space for borrowing and administration accessible to all registered users of the NLCR.
A place for consultations and borrowing, where users can activate the authorisation to use the services of the Slavonic Library. Registered users have access to computers with internet access and licensed databases and a self-service book scanner, printer, and photocopier. Users can freely choose from new literature, fiction, and selected periodicals. In the lending library it is possible to buy Slavonic Library publications.
Reading Room
A quiet study space accessible to researchers with permission to use Slavonic Library services.
The reading room can be used by registered users of the NLCR with an activated authorisation to use Slavonic Library services or with a one-day ticket. A handy reference library of basic Slavonic literature and a microfilm and microfiche reader are available to users. Documents ordered for on-site study are reserved for 14 days.
Provision of library services to Slavonic Library users
The Slavonic Library provides services according to the principles of the Library Rules of the NLCR in the Lending and Reading Room of the Slavonic Library and online.
With regard to certain functions, some selected services are provided in the Slavonic Library in a modified mode (see the Slavonic Library Lending Rules, Slavonic Library User Registration and Lending Rules).
Basic services are provided free of charge, but fees for user registration, reprographic services, and some other services are charged according to the Price List.
Services provided (*the specifics of each service are listed below and are applicable only for the services of the Slavonic Library; other rules can be found under the links to individual services):
- on-site user registration takes place in the Main Hall of the NLCR, afterwards it must be finalised in the lending and reading room of the Slavonic Library
- online user registration
- pre-registration of users - enables users to pre-order selected documents, which will be ready for study after finalising the registration
- on-site lending services
- the following materials are available to borrow only on-site: old and rare prints, archival manuscripts, and pictorial materials stored in the vault, books published before 1950, bibliophile editions, rarer pictorial publications, works included in reference libraries, newspapers and magazines. - off-site lending services
- books published since 1950 can be lent off-site - Specifics of off-site borrowing in the Slavonic Library:
- the loan period is usually 1 month; for researchers in the field of Slavic studies, the loan period is extended to 2 months
- If the borrowing period is exceeded, fines for each day exceeded are automatically calculated according to the Price List and no further borrowing is allowed
- the maximum loan period is 6 months unless another reader requests the book
- interlibrary loan services (for readers, for libraries, for foreign libraries)
- Czech and foreign libraries can order loans or copies from the Slavonic Library's collection through national or international interlibrary loan services by means of interlibrary loan request forms
- MVS- Book Loan Order from the Slavonic Library Collection (domestic),
- MRS-Document Copy Order from the Slavonic Library Collection (domestic),
- MMVS-Loan/Copy Order for a Document from the Slavonic Library Collection (international)
- reprographic services (self-service/on request)
- research services
- internet and Wi-Fi
- access to electronic resources (licensed resources, free resources in Slavonic studies)
- sale of publications