ISBN assignment for books / ISMN assignment for music; methodological support for ISBN/ISMN users; duplication resolution; barcode provision, etc.
Assignment of ISBNs/ISMNs
A book/music published by an entity based in the Czech Republic is assigned an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) / International Standard Music Number (ISMN) by the Czech National ISBN and ISMN Agency, unless the publisher is already registered in the ISBN/ISMN system. Entities registered in the ISBN/ISMN system number their books/music themselves from their own set of standard numbers.
The ISBN/ISMN set is allocated by the Czech National Agency for ISBN and ISMN to publishers only after registration in the ISBN/ISMN system. If a publisher exhausts the allocated set of standard numbers and continues publishing, he/she applies to the Agency for a new set.
ISBNs/ISMNs are provided to publishers free of charge.
Methodological support for users ISBN/ISMN
The Czech National ISBN and ISMN Agency provides publishers registered in the ISBN/ISMN system and publishers not registered in these systems with support and information services to ensure that the ISBN/ISMN serves as a unique identifier of the book or music.
Prevention and resolution of duplicate ISBNs/ISMNs
The publisher reports forthcoming titles to the Czech National ISBN and ISMN Agency, together with the assigned ISBN/ISMN, as well as reports further editions of titles. The Agency will notify the publisher if there is a risk of duplicate assignment of a standard number. If a publisher assigns the same standard number to more than one book/music title in spite of the applicable rules of the ISBN/ISMN system, the publisher shall resolve the duplication in cooperation with the Czech National ISBN and ISMN Agency. If the duplication is discovered only during the cataloguing of the book/music, the duplication is resolved by the Agency in cooperation with the publisher.
Provision of barcode on books/music books
The NL CR provides the corresponding EAN-13 barcode free of charge for the assigned ISBN. Entities requesting an ISBN for an individual book are sent the barcode together with the assigned ISBN. For publishers newly entering the ISBN system, the corresponding barcode packet is sent with the first set of ISBNs. Additional barcodes are sent to publishers registered in the ISBN system on request.
The barcode is supplied primarily in TIF format. Alternatively, a vector format (EPS or AI format) can be provided.
The NL CR provides the corresponding EAN-13 barcode free of charge for the assigned ISMN. Entities requesting an ISMN for an individual item of music are sent the barcode along with the assigned ISMN. Publishers new to the ISMN system are sent a package of matching barcodes with their first set of ISMNs. Additional barcodes are sent to publishers registered in the ISMN system on request.
The barcode is supplied in PDF format.
Update of data in the Directory of Publishers in the Czech Republic (NAK)
The Czech National ISBN and ISMN Agency creates and maintains the Directory of Publishers in the Czech Republic (NAK). Publishers registered in the ISBN/ISMN system can update their publishing house contact details at any time via the online update form available in NAK after logging in. The publisher is requested to reset the forgotten password by e-mail.