PhDr. Vít Richter
Vít Richter graduated from the Charles University in Prague, the Philosophical Faculty, in librarianship and scientific information. Since 1971, he has been working for the National Library of the Czech Republic, where he held a number of managerial positions. From 1998 to the present, except for 2020-2021 when he held the position of the General Director of the National Library of the Czech Republic, he is the Director of the Librarianship Institute. He also acts as the main guarantor of the Library Public Information Services (LPIS) Grant Program and the Head of the project Benchmarking of the Libraries. From 1998 to 2013, he was the President of the Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic, at present he is its Executive Secretary. Since 1998, he has been the President of the Central Library Council of the Czech Republic, an advisory body to the Minister of Culture. He is a member of editorial boards of the periodicals Library: Library Professionals Review and Čtenář.