Mgr. Martina Košanová
Martina Košanová is a graduate of the University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Education, and of Arts Management from the University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Design and Art. For three years, she devoted herself to creative writing at the Literary Academy in Prague, and completed a one-year study programme in Modern Marketing at Newton University. She was a PR and Marketing director at the Study and Research Library of Pilsener Region and then, in October 2021, she started working for the National Library of the Czech Republic. She partakes in the Working Group of Priority 6 on Sustainability in Libraries, Martina also works for the PR Section of the Association of Libraries of the Czech Republic, and is a member of the Editorial Board of the library magazine Čtenář. Professionally, she is particularly involved in the topic of visual identity of libraries in the European context and, within the national methodological function, she provides training in communication, corporate culture and branding to the libraries in the Czech Republic.