Apostol = Skazanie s[via]tog[o] Epifaniia episkopa Kipr"skag[o] o dvunadesiatekh s[via]tykh ap[o]st[o]l...
Lviv: ed. et typ. I. Fyodorov, 1574, [13], [263] ff.,
Slavonic Library, R 09/532, T 9291

The Apostle was printed in Lviv by Ivan Fyodorov (1520–1583): he is considered to be one of the founding fathers of Ukrainian book printing. Initially, Fyodorov worked in Moscow until he was expelled. He found refuge in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth where he printed books in Lviv and Ostrog. Fyodorov’s Apostle (1574) is one of the most important books in the Slavonic Library.

The digital copy of the manuscript is available at the digital library Manuscriptorium >>