The monograph on the life and work of P. A. Schenkirž, a Czech composer of the second half of the 18th century, contains a number of unique and hitherto unknown facts discovered not only by careful study of newly discovered sources from Czech church choirs processed within the DKRVO program, field 2 musicology (Litomyšl, Teplice), but also from Austrian monasteries. By studying the Union Music Catalogue of the NL CR and the RISM catalogue, it was possible to determine the dating of the works and to identify a number of autographs. A completely new finding is the fact that Schenkirž was also an unusually talented musical dramatist, as evidenced by the successful performance of his newly identified music for a pastoral congratulatory play by the National Theatre in Prague. A thematic catalogue of Schenkirž's works is prepared as an appendix to the monograph in electronic form. The publication is published in Czech with a parallel English translation in the series of the Music Department of the National Library of the Czech Republic Varia de musica.

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague 2024, 1st edition, 252 pages, price 270 CZK
ISBN 978-80-7050-810-7